Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy

Your privacy is important to us. When dealing with your personal information we observe our obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and comply with the Australian Privacy Principles, as well as other relevant State legislation. This policy sets out how we will collect, use, store, disclose and de-identify your personal information.

The types of information we collect:
The types of personal information we collect include:  

– Contact details (name, address, telephone numbers, email, etc)  
– Demographic information
– Professional Information (including AHPRA number)
– Activities (attendance at the event)

This information is collected at the time of ticket sales and is considered reasonably required to facilitate your attendance at the event, as well as notify you of the event. This personal information will also be utilised by ANZAOS to notify you of future events, and marketing correspondence complies with anti-spam laws with the ability to opt-out. Your name, e-mail, and telephone number may be shared with the sponsors present at the event.

We take reasonable steps to ensure the security of personal and sensitive information that we hold and to protect it against loss, misuse or unauthorised access, destruction, use, modification or disclosure. Our IT systems are password protected and comply with applicable security standards. We attempt to limit your risks through collecting only the information we have deemed required to efficiently run and manage the event. 

​We store your information in electronic systems under our control as well as operated by third parties (TryBooking, VentraIP). We take appropriate steps to protect the security of the information we hold about you, including protections against unauthorised access, virus or other electronic intrusions, fire, theft or loss.

It is our policy to permanently de-identify personal information where reasonable and possible, and destroy personal information once there is no longer a legal or business need for us to retain it.

Terms of Ticket Sale

Registration fees include the cost of enrollment and catering at the venue. There may be credit card fees from your issuer which are in addition to the fees for the event. GST is not applicable.

Your image may be photographed or recorded at any time throughout an event and we may publish, use, or reproduce this image or recording of you in published communications, including but not limited to internet, print, video, or other electronic applications. Collecting this personal information is to promote our services and to report on our events. Examples of publications are the ANZAOS website and Facebook pages. By attending this event, you give your consent to the reproduction or use of your image in full or part for any promotional, advertising and commercial activities of ANZAOS. You understand that you may be included in photography and/or recordings and that, given it is not practical to exclude participants, consent to being in these photos/recordings is implicit to signing up to this event.

Cancellations & Refund Policy

  • Event cancellation or rescheduling by ANZAOS
    ANZAOS reserves the right to cancel, postpone, relocate or reschedule this event. In such cases, ANZAOS will endeavour to notify you as soon as possible. ANZAOS and anyone associated with this event will not accept responsibility for any travel or accommodation costs incurred by yourself or for changes to your work commitments or personal circumstances. Where a refund is due, it will be paid within 30 days of the notification. In the event that the event is cancelled, a full refund minus any TryBooking fees will be issued. In the event that the event is rescheduled, you will be provided an option of accepting the new date or of a full refund minus any TryBooking fees, provided that you notify ANZAOS within 7 days of the date change notification.
  • Cancellations by the participant
    1) Cancellations more than 7 days before course start date – full refund minus any TryBooking fees.
    2) Cancellations between 0 to 7 days before course start date – no refund without the discretion of the ANZAOS President and Event Organiser
  • Failure to attend
    Failing to turn up will result in loss of 100% of the fee.
  • Public dentist pricing
    By purchasing this ticket, you agree to allow ANZAOS to verify employment status with your employer and to allow, at our discretion, to issue a refund if you are identified as not being employed by the public sector. If you change from being a full-time public dentist to part/full time private following the purchase of your ticket, your ticket remains valid.
    For the purposes of this ticket, working part time in public or a university institution is considered equivalent if you do not also work in the private sector.

Event Disclaimer
The information provided for this event is correct at time of publication. ANZAOS reserve the right to cancel, relocate, substitute or change, without notice, any aspect of the event program. ANZAOS reserves the right to cancel any activity if minimum numbers are not met. ANZAOS will give as much notice as possible to reduce any inconvenience for yourself.

By purchasing a ticket, you agree to allow us to contact you for the purposes of facilitating your attendance at this event, and to receive information about the Event, and any relevant communications, by email from ANZAOS.