Dr Jasmine Holgate

Specialist Endodontist

Herodontics – which superhero will you be today? Implants vs Endodontics

  • Dr Jasmine Holgate
  • BMedSci, BDent(Hons), GradDipPainMgt, DClinDent(Endo), FICD
  • Specialist Endodontist

Management of the Hopeless Central Incisor in a Growing Patient

Dentistry is a profession focused on improving people’s lives through their oral health.

In the treatment of oral disease, there are many options available to us and our patients to preserve or replace diseased teeth. However, there are limited guidelines set forth by the dental profession in the best strategies in selecting one treatment option over another.

This lecture will discuss the benefits and disadvantages of when to retain a natural tooth and when to extract for placement of a dental implant, success and survival outcomes as well as modern endodontic techniques and their impact on tooth retention.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify the differences between success and survival in terms of outcome assessments for endodontics and implants
  2. Assess and identify modifiable and unmodifiable factors to decide on the best options for the patient